The differences between a landing page and a one-pager: how to choose the right page for your marketing goal.

Landing page and one pager are two different web design strategies that have different goals and characteristic features. In this post, we present the characteristics of both of these pages.

Landing Page:

A landing page is a single web page whose main purpose is to focus the visitor's attention on a particular action or offer. It's the place where a user "lands" after clicking on an ad, link from an email or other source. The page is usually designed to direct the user's attention to one specific action, such as making a purchase, filling out a contact form, signing up for a newsletter or other desired action.

The main features of the landing page are:

  • Focused on one action.
  • A clear and understandable call to action (Call to Action).
  • Minimize other links or distracting elements.

One Pager:

A one pager is a website that houses all the content on one long page. Instead of navigating between different sub-pages, the user scrolls down the page to view more sections with information. A one pager can contain a variety of content, such as a description of an offer, a photo gallery, sections with customer reviews or other relevant information.

The main features of one pager are:

  • All the content contained on one page.
  • Continuous in nature, with sections scrolling down.
  • Diverse content to present different aspects of an offer or information.

In summary, the difference between a landing page and a one-pager lies in the main purpose and structure. A landing page focuses on one specific action, while a one-pager is used to present a variety of information on one long page. Both types of pages can be effective in different marketing contexts, depending on the purpose and message you want to convey.

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